With art constantly impacting science, it is important that the two coexist in the world we live in today. They can have a mutual relationship where they both benefit from each other. Science can help art and art can help science. According to Yo-Yo Ma, Art inspires, “collaboration, flexible thinking, and disciplined imagination- lead[ing] to the capacity to innovate”(Ma 258). When art is integrated into the STEM program, it can cause new people to work together as well as enhance thinking and imaginative ideas. Mark Boslough’s ideas explain that “science is now under attack by a budget-cutting Congress to whom dollars have measurable value, but scientific knowledge does not”(Boslough 3). If Congress cannot give enough funding to the sciences, it will equally affect both science and art to their expense. Art will not have the science to back it up and scientific knowledge will not be passed on if there is not a budget to test it or the collaboration, flexible thinking, and imagination. One simply should value both art and science so they can coexist and mutually benefit together.
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