I chose to read Chapter 8 which talks about connecting the parts of essays. This chapter explains that the four steps for “connecting the parts” of your essay to make it most successful is to: 1) using transition words 2) adding pointing terms 3) developing a set of key terms and phrases for each text you write and 4) repeating yourself but with differences.
- Using transition words: Transition words connect sentences together as well as marking the kind of connection you are trying to make. Examples are: “in addition”, “in other words”, “for example”, “as a result”. Transitions are easy to over use. They should be used in the background of a text where the reader hardly notices. They are not meant to stick out, they are meant to smoothly lead into the next sentence.
- Adding pointing terms: Pointing words are meant to imply, point to, or refer backward to a concept in the previous sentence. Examples are: “this”, “that”, “these”, “those”, “theirs” as well as simple pronouns like, “his”, “he”, “her”, “she”. These words grab the readers attention and pull them along in the reading.
- Repeat key terms and phrases: Repeating key terms through an article can create a solid sense of the topic being described. Examples are: synonyms or antonyms. USeful for creating titles and brainstorming claim sentences.
- Repeating yourself but with differences: This technique is to reiterate an idea but in different words to offer a better explanation of the topic. Avoids the effect of being monotone while connecting the explanation to the next topic.
Following these techniques help to create a successful essay by connecting your ideas effectively.
Amazing! I LOVE this chapter and often assign it. I’m curious if it led you to revise any of your sentences.