Early in the revising process, I struggled integrating quotes into the explanations in my essay. As the semester progressed, I became more confident with my skills of creating quote sandwiches. Throughout my Multimodal Essay, I used several sources including Armstrong as well as Denise Darcy in her interview about Beauty.
Quote Sandwich: “Eloquently, the interpretation of beauty depends on the past experiences of each human. As John Armstrong, author of “La bella vita”, references beauty in his article, he states that, “If we want to understand beauty, we can’t just talk about the things we find beautiful. We have to talk about our lives” (Armstrong 3). The different situations we encounter influence our outlooks on life. For example, Liam Darcy produced a podcast where he interviewed his mother, Denise, on what her interpretation of beauty was. Liam’s mother had explained her experience as a domestic violence advocate and the different situations she has dealt with. She talks about a specific situation with a patient who had an encounter with a domestic violence issue and how that patient was able to overcome that difficulty. She found beauty in the situation of the patient overcoming that hardship and seeing her express happiness again. She thought that was a beautiful moment to see her patient express freedom and happiness coming from a harsh relationship. Her experiences as a domestic violence advocate altered the way she viewed beauty allowing her to find beauty in such harsh situations. If she did not have this background of past experiences being involved in this profession, then she may have a different perspective of the things she found beautiful.”
I chose this quote during my drafting process. It was a quote that I had underlined during my annotations and it had stuck out to me throughout the whole article. I thought it would help me reiterate my idea that everyone views beauty differently. I thought Denise’s perspective also fit this idea through the interview and it would help support the quote by Armstrong. This “Quote Sandwich” shows my ability to integrate my ideas with those of others using summary, paraphrase, quotation, analysis, and synthesis of relevant sources.
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